(10 minute read)
The principles below have been created from a study of every company on the S&P 500 over 30 year time period.
There are three main broad categories:
These will be broken down into the following.
Disciplined People
Disciplined Thought
Disciplined Action
Personal Humility + Professional Will = Level 5
Unwavering resolve…do what MUST be done.
Ensure successors are well set up for the future
Not a “genius with a thousand helpers”
Rigorous, not ruthless.
This ties in with our organisational strength assessment. The great companies first ensured that they hired the best people, then determined the strategy to utilise their human capital. As opposed to determining the direction and then filling the seats.
Employee compensation should be aimed at getting the right people on the bus from the get go and keeping them there rather than to get the right behaviours from the wrong people.
Management teams would debate vigorously, but unify behind the decision.
Unwavering faith amid the brutal facts – Stockdale Paradox
Retain faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties AND at the same time confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they may be.
“You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end – which you can never afford to lose – with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality.“
Facts are better than dreams
The great companies always dealt with the brutal facts of the situation yet had rational optimism that the company would be able to endure the tough times to prosper in the future. The opposite of this is irrational optimism where people believe that “it’ll all be ok” without considering the current circumstances. Good to great companies continually refined the path to greatness with the brutal facts of reality.
How do you create a culture where the truth is heard?
If you remember one thing, let this be it. The hedgehog concept is based on:
The intersection of these points is what your business should be specialising in. An example of this may be an accounting firm that specialises in R&D Tax Incentives (RDTI) for startup companies. The WHY of the organisation was due to the founder wanting to assist other startups after having successfully built her own business. (PASSION) This business had extensive knowledge and experience in this industry and was considered a market leader (BEST IN THE WORLD) Due to the value of their professional services, they were able to charge above market rates for their highly regarded services. (ECONOMIC ENGINE)
Now consider an example where a RDTI client has asked this company for advice regarding Capital Gains Tax on their cryptocurrency investment. Although, the accountants would have been able to complete this task they chose not to and to refer it onto a business associate that specialises in this area. This is because the task did not fall into their hedgehog concept. As a result, they did not waste unnecessary time completing a task that they are not good at (and may require additional research). This also aligns with the theory of economic efficiency which states that “everyone should do that which they are best at”. This results in a more prosperous future for all.
Understanding what you can (and cannot) be the best at – not a goal, strategy or intention. REALITY!
If we cannot be the best at it, why are we doing it at all?
Insight into your economic engine, what is your denominator?
If you could have pick one and only one ratio – (profit per x, sales per x, cashflow per x) to systematically increase over time, what x would have the greatest and most sustainable impact on your economic engine?
Understanding your passion
We should only do things that we can get passionate about! If it’s not a hell yeah, it’s a no!
How to build the culture
Jim Collins' Good to Great is on my book list to recommend to all business owners who aspire to have great businesses!
If you’re ready to take your business to the next level and get out of reactive mode, let’s chat. Reach out to us at
hello@accountica.com.au with the subject line “Private,” and we’ll help you build the business of your dreams.
Here are a few ways we can help you
The information on this website is general in nature and does not consider your personal situation. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs and, where appropriate, seek professional advice.
How to Make More Money: Three Profit Levers to Boost Your Business Profitability
Organic Growth or Acquisition: Choosing the Right Path for Your Business